Sharpen Your Axe!

There’s a common trait among great professionals – entertainers, athletes, speakers, etc.; they practice regularly. Even those born with natural abilities put in countless hours preparing for the next performance or presentation.

The question is: Why would these professionals who have risen to such heights still put in the time to practice and refine their craft? The answer is simple. They work on their form and hone their skill in practice, so when they are in the pressure of the moment, their performance will rise to the level of their preparation and capabilities.

For the same reason, Sales Professionals should practice regularly. Practice our presentation, phone calls, networking skills, etc. I regularly ask folks if they practice their scripts before making calls or practice their presentations before meeting with a prospect. Sadly, most of them do not. “Winging it” is not a strategy. Assuming you’ve got it all doesn’t work!

There’s the story of two woodcutters who decided to hold a competition to determine the better woodcutter. They were at it for an entire day and every hour, one of the woodcutters would take a break to sharpen his axe. At the end of the day, as the story goes, the one who took regular breaks fell many more trees than his counterpart. The moral of the story: taking time to sharpen your axe keeps you from being dull and ineffective.

How do you sharpen your axe? Some ways include: Role playing before calls. Practicing your presentation before a meeting. Rehearsing your introduction before a networking event. Reading books daily – topics could include negotiation, sales best practices, mindset, etc. Seeking feedback from an accountability partner. Working with a coach to identify blind spots and enhance strengths. There are too many ways to list.

Role play is not sexy. Sounding incompetent when rehearsing your script or presentation is not cool. Reading up on your competition or clients seems like a waste of time. You don’t have time to read good books to develop yourself. I get it. However, as they say, practice makes perfect. Not only does taking the time to practice and develop yourself give you confidence in your delivery, it makes you efficient in your delivery and sets you up to take on unexpected situations and questions.

American dancer, Martha Graham, said “We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn dancing by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same.” I dare say “We earn by practicing.”

My suggestions: Create a compelling script for every presentation opportunity – phone call, meetings, networking event, emails and Social Media. Practice your script. Keep practicing and adjust if necessary. Get feedback. Repeat.

Need help creating a compelling script or getting feedback? Stuck and don’t know what to do? Reach out, we’ll be happy to help:

#practice #practicemakesperfect #earnbypracticing #salesprofessionals #sales #salescoach

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