Not There Yet

A true story is told of a young neighbor who was talking to Albert Einstein at a dinner party. She asked, “What is it exactly that you do as a profession?” Einstein looked at her and said, “I’ve devoted myself to the study of physics.” And in shock she replied, “Studying physics at your age? I finished my studies a year ago!”

Unfortunately, that is the attitude many people in the sales profession have today about their growth and development. Perhaps because they’ve reached a level of success in their career, they think they have finished growing and developing. They think they have “arrived” and do not need to study, increase their knowledge bank or sharpen their skills.

How pathetic!

With changing technology, trends, availability of resources, new research on psychology, negotiation, etc., there is no reason why a sales professional should not have the goal of expanding his or her skills and knowledge. Think about it: can you possibly know all there is to know about your competition, the industry, your market base, their buying habits, different personality types, everyone, negotiation, presentation, networking, …? You get the picture.

The great ones know that there is always room to grow and develop. There is always more to learn. Everyday is an opportunity to learn something new. The great ones stay hungry not only to reach new goals or experience new things, but also to learn as much as they can.

As Sales Professionals, our attitude should be like the 95-year-old Pablo Casals, considered to be the greatest cellist that the world has ever known.

The story is told of a young reporter who asked Pablo “You’re 95. The world considers you to be its greatest cellist; and still at 95, you practice six hours a day. Why?” To which Pablo responded, “Because I think I am making progress.”

As a Sales Professional, you know you never arrive. There is always more to learn. Set your goal to be making progress every day. To learn new skills and acquire knowledge.  That is how you will become great!

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