New Beginnings

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. St. Francis of Assisi

The quote above, though seemingly basic, is very powerful and a great way to develop new habits, on the way to breakthroughs.

Spring is one of my favorite seasons; partly because I was born in spring and partly because that’s when trees bud, animals come out of hibernation, there are lots of colors (and pollen) in the air – nature blooms – and it is a sign of new beginnings.

There’s also the idea of “spring cleaning” – typically after a cold season, folks thoroughly clean up their homes putting away items associated with the colder months and get ready for planting season and warm weather.

As sales professionals and leaders, we should regularly review our habits and practices to get a sense of what worked (or works) and what didn’t work (or doesn’t work). Habits that don’t serve us should be replaced by new habits. Habits that serve us should be reinforced.

Getting rid of habits that don’t serve us is almost impossible without starting a new habit. That’s why it is necessary to have an accountability partner to provide feedback and ensure that those old habits don’t become our hamartia when it comes to the goals we want to achieve.

Ask yourself: What habits are not serving me now and what habits do I need to replace? What new habits do I need to incorporate into my personal and professional life to get me closer to where I want to be? Those are questions only you can answer. But then, it shouldn’t stop there.

New habits can seem daunting to implement, I get it. But as St. Francis of Assisi implied, start by taking small steps and doing what’s necessary, then possible and before you know it, you are on your way to a breakthrough!

Need help implementing a new, necessary habit? Want to explore what an accountability partner or coach can do for you? Reach out, let’s talk:

#leadership #habits #goals #coach #accountable

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