Knowledge Is Not Power

Too many people seek knowledge and new ideas hoping that the acquired knowledge will help them get ahead or improve their results. Unfortunately, they are oblivious to the fact that knowledge without action is useless! Knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge and the application of knowledge is power.

I interact with people from diverse backgrounds regularly and have come to realize that the perception that knowledge is power isn’t linked to a certain group of people. No matter the background, it is human nature to believe that the more one knows, the more powerful one becomes.

Libraries are filled with “how to” books, but we wonder why as a society, we are not more of or better at whatever topics fill the shelves of public and private libraries. My favorite topic is that of weight loss. With the new trends in diets and weight loss regimens, why are we not a fit society? Most people will tell you what to eat, what to avoid and how often to exercise. However, those same people who preach do not necessarily practice what they preach.

In early coaching sessions, I almost always expect responses like “I know” or “I know that” or “I should do that..”. What that tells me is the client knows what to do or not do (knowledge) but lacks the discipline to apply that knowledge. What is the value of knowing if it is not applied?

Acquiring knowledge without applying the knowledge can leave one overwhelmed and may lead to indecision or “analysis paralysis”. The great ones know that knowledge is only a part of the equation. Acquiring knowledge and applying it in a meaningful, intentional way to achieve a goal is powerful.

It takes curiosity, dedication and discipline to obtain and apply knowledge to reach a goal. Discipline could take the form of having a support group to keep you accountable. Or having a coach and accountability partner to measure, track and evaluate your actions and results.

So, before you read a new book, or learn a new system or practice, find a way to keep yourself accountable to apply the knowledge. My suggestion is: hire a coach that will keep you accountable. Don’t become a knowledge junkie and risk analysis paralysis. Instead, become a top performer!

Need help finding the right coach and accountability partner for your unique needs? Let’s talk:

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