Greener Grass

As the saying goes: “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Spoiler alert! The grass is not greener on the other side. This is a timeless saying and people say and hear it often. But, do they really understand the depth of the saying?

Typically, when a sales professional is dissatisfied with their current position – because of pay or compensation plan, a boss, culture, etc. – they tend to look elsewhere for greener pasture. To stick with the analogy, the grass on the current side of the fence doesn’t look good, but the promise of greener pasture is on the other side.

The sad thing is, for a lot of people, after a while on the new side of the fence, the grass begins to look dead, unkempt and in need of help. Then, they begin looking for greener pasture yet again!

Why is that the case? Let me share a personal story: Late winter 2019, I walked out of my house and noticed the grass in the front lawn looked bad. My next-door neighbor had a great lawn. Needless to say, the idea of greener pasture came to mind! This didn’t happen overnight though – I had noticed the grass wasn’t looking great the season before, but I didn’t give it much thought.

Knowing better than admire my neighbor’s lawn and resent mine, I went to my favorite home improvement store to find out the best way to restore my lawn. I asked a couple workers there and got the solution that worked for me. It took a few weeks of discipline and following the recommendations before I started noticing a change in my lawn. Now, my lawn looks beautiful and the way it was when we moved in years ago!

Now, back to the topic. The solution to greener pasture is not always to cross over to the other side. Sometimes, taking disciplined actions and working the numbers could restore the grass on your side.

For sales professionals, consider this: Are you giving it your best or have you already quit? Are your concerns being heard or have you made up your mind that things wouldn’t change? Is there something you’d like to see different? Do you need an outside coach to elevate your development and performance? Let your leadership know.

For employers, you certainly don’t want to lose talent because of changes that could be implemented to retain, and perhaps attract great talent. Consider this: Are you giving your people the tools they need to be successful? Are you listening to them and asking to hear their concerns?

Do you need help finding the right tools to empower your sales representatives? Do you need help having conversations with your sales representatives to figure out what they need to be successful? Let’s talk: Dontwingit!

P.S. The picture above is the before and after of my front lawn 🙂

#dontwingit #salesperformance #salescoach #sales #salesprofessionals #successtips

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