Get Your Mind Right!

One hot summer day – perhaps one of the hottest days of the year – my buddy and I got together to play tennis. The temperature was about 100 degrees with a slightly higher heat index and high humidity. Conditions were harsh, no doubt. However, we hadn’t played in a few weeks and I was looking forward to getting back on the court.

For context, Rick is a guy I’ve played with for many years. We both learned the sport as adults, are very competitive and enjoy playing each other. He has a few more years of experience and usually wins (every now and then, I’ll win one or more sets).

On the day in question, despite the conditions, I was excited to play after our brief hiatus. When Rick arrived, his initial comment got my attention: “You picked the perfect day to play tennis.” He was being sarcastic, but I sensed a bit more. He went on: “The weather is just right.”, “It’s going to be great.” Right away, I understood what was going on: He was thinking positively!

The problem with positive thinking is that it operates at the surface level of conscious thinking and has little or no impact on the subconscious where limiting beliefs live. Most people think “opposite” to think positively. In this case, thinking it is a perfect day to play tennis when in fact conditions are harsh is not positive thinking. In my opinion, it is borderline insanity.

Unfortunately, similar scenarios happen in the sales world: Before a dial, a sales representative might think to themselves “I am not good at sales.” “They won’t buy my product or service.” “I am not worthy of success.” “I am not good enough.” When thoughts like these are playing in the background, success cannot be present.

Sales leaders and representatives love getting pumped, motived, excited and in beast mode. However, if the fundamental thinking about self, customers, product/service and organization are out of whack, all the motivation, etc. will not do much.

These underlying thought processes are happening automatically, for the most part undistinguished, driving actions (or lack of) and ultimately, results. The key here is to get to the underlying thought process – distinguish it for what it is, challenge it and then create a new “truth” in order to produce different results. It is not important that the new truth is opposite to the surface thought. What matters is replacing the limiting surface thought with a new empowering truth/thought.

How can one get to a new place with their thoughts? A coach, with experience listening to and distinguishing patterns of thoughts related to results can help. If you want to get beyond positive thinking to thinking in new ways to produce new results, you owe it to yourself to work with an experienced, unbiased coach. You will notice major changes in your mindset and an uptick in your productivity, energy and success.

What was the outcome of the tennis match? I won the lone set 6-3. My thoughts before and during the match? “I feel great!” “I will win today!” “I can’t control the weather, but I can control myself.” “I am in control.” Notice I focused on myself and nothing external.

Need an experienced, unbiased coach to turn your sales results around, let’s talk:

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