A Deeper Appreciation

This year’s remembrance of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his work had a special meaning for me. Most of us know what he stood for and there is no doubt that his stand forever changed this nation.

In looking through his body of work, famous and not so famous speeches and quotes, one stuck out to me. Dr. King said: “No person has the right to rain on your dream.” One reason why this one stuck out is the fact that Dr. King puts responsibility and accountability of each person’s goals and dreams on the individual.

Too many times, I hear people shift responsibility for not going for their dreams on others. Saying things like: “My boss won’t give me an opportunity.” “I have too much going on to take time for self-improvement.” “It’s the economy.” “There’s no room for growth in this company.” And whatever version may be unique to you.

As shared on a recent podcast, we live in a global world. No matter where one is – geographically or situationally – there is always the option to change, or at least make moves to change. Companies are hiring across state and national borders. Businesses are trading internationally. The Internet of Things has opened a world of opportunity for lots of people. There’s no excuse.

It’s time to take responsibility for your dream. It’s time to be accountable and not shift blame.

The truth is, regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, etc., everyone has equal opportunity. Think about it: if your reason for not chasing your dream is based on race, I bet there are many others from your race that have succeeded. If it is gender, well, same thing. “Oh, but you don’t understand my situation”. Yes, I may not understand your situation, but are you going to let your situation define you and keep you from going for what you want? It’s up to you!

#GoForYourDream #DreamBIG #successtips #Accountability

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